LoveFest in the MidWest 2015 Workshop Schedule and Full Descriptions
Hello Tribe.
IllumIKnation Station Grassroots Education welcomes each of you to join your brothers and sisters in learning about subjects that you care about! We are very excited to provide return to LoveFest to host educational workshops for the 3rd year in a row.
We’re offering KID targeted workshops too, they’re marked with ***
Workshops will be located at the IllumIKnation Station workshop tent, provided by LoveFest. IKS signs will mark the tent.
Open Jam Session
5-6pm By: Sierra Erickson (Sese)
***Thursday Yoga: All Ages
6-7pm By: Rebecca Hatch
Yoga Class: All Skill Levels
10-11am By: Jacqueline Wilber
Trinity Language with Algebra: the Return of the Serpent (In tent)
11am-12pm By: Joseph Rainbowstar (In tent)
***Kids Crafts: Making a Musical Instrument
11am-12pm By: Monica Lehn
12-1pm Reiki 101: How to Heal and Empower Yourself and Others Through Energy Work (In tent)
By: Angelic Touch Healing
Therapeutic Effects of Essential Oils (In tent)
1:00-1:30pm By: KiKi Cresulia Mack
***Tye Dye (Outside tent)
1:00-2:00pm By: Joseph Rainbowstar
Beginner Poi “The Joy of Poi” (Outside tent)
2:00-3:00pm By: Staff Knight
Festival SureThrival: Gear, Guidelines, and Game plans (In tent)
2:30-3:30pm By: Jedeye Ser Aussin ElfChild, IllumIKnight
***Kids Western Fairy Tales: Wolf mother, Romulus, and Remus (In tent)
3:30-4:30pm By: Joseph Rainbowstar
Staff Beginnings, fundamentals, and Geometry (Outside tent)
4:30-5:30pm By: Staff Knight
Colors of Emotions (In tent)
5:30-6:30pm By: Sierra Erickson (Sese)
***Yoga: All Ages (Outside tent)
10:00am-10:30am By: Rebecca Hatch
Highest High Tribe: Rejuvenate, Purify, and Plug into Your Soul (In tent)
10:30am-12:00pm By: Sophia Siri Levitar
***Beginners Hoop Flow All Ages (Outside tent)
11:30am-12:30pm By: Jewelz (Julia Phillips)
Practical Applications in Self-Healing (In tent)
Noon-1:00pm By: Paul Hunt/Julie Smith
Acro Yoga (Outside tent)
1:00pm-2:00pm By: Staff Knight
Singing Crystal Bowls Meditation Journey (In tent)
1:00pm-3:00pm By: Geoff Wertheim & Gaye Unverferth & Carmela Rose
***Kids Yoga (Outside tent)
2:00pm-3:00pm By: Monica Lehn
Rainbow Warrior Prophecies (In tent)
3:00pm-4:00pm By: John L Pappan
SPEECH BY LoveFest Founder and Guiding Light (In tent)
4:19pm-5pm By: LoveFest Founder and Guiding Light Julie Ann
***Kids Games: Tag, Dominick Does, and more! (Outside tent)
4:00pm-5:00pm By: Joseph RainbowStar
June Channels Love (In tent)
5:00pm-5:30pm By: June Boyer
Beginners Yoga: Surrender to Self Love (Outside tent)
5:00pm-6:00pm By: Jewelz (Julia Phillips)
Love on the Run: The Politics, Pitfalls, and Passions of Festival and traveling Romance (in tent)
5:30 pm-6:30pm By: Jedeye Ser Aussin ElfChild, IllumIKnight
5-6pm Open Jam Session
By: Sierra Erickson (Sese)
“Come one, come all! Let’s create music together during an hour-long open groove jam. Bring your drums, guitars, shakers, voices and your dancing feet. This workshop will be what you make of it; the more eclectic the instruments and ideas you bring, the more diverse and beautiful will be the music we create. Whether you have a passion for melody, harmony, rhythm, singing, playing, dancing, or merely listening, your presence will surely enhance the magic of this experience. Join us! ”
6-7pm Thursday Yoga: All Ages
By: Rebecca Hatch
Come join Rebecca and the IKS staff for morning yoga. All ages. A beginners course of Yoga based about gentle stretching, focused breathing and 24 simple forms to help repair damaged tissue and center the breath in the body.
10-11am Yoga Class taught by Jacqueline Wilber
By: Jacqueline Wilber
No need for sticky mats and fancy yoga pants. Come as you are, and experience a yoga class for all ages. The yoga class is holistic and inclusive to ensure that everyone has a safe yoga practice. Jacqueline Wilber teaches yoga at Omaha Yoga and Bodywork Center:
11am-12pm Trinity Language with Algebra: the Return of the Serpent
By: Joseph Rainbowstar
It is a topic on the balance of feminine and masculine ways to communicate with language. It illustrates how fixed gender roles are played out not only in language; it also is seen in how to express the masculine and feminine energies within the human body. We quickly will see with basic algebraic awareness, knowledge, and understanding how these aspects are expressed very rigidly within the physical forms of being a man and woman. In doing this we can expand our own awareness of balance in all physical forms of our feminine and masculine roles via Earth, Moon, Sun, connections, communications, cycles, patterns, etc within nature and social environments interactions.
***11am-12pm Kids Crafts: Making a Musical Instrument
By: Monica Lehn
Music is a form of self expression. In this workshops kids will have the chance to create and decorate their own instruments. Come join the fun with the kids and get crafty.
12-1pm Reiki 101: How to Heal and Empower Yourself and Others Through Energy Work
By: Angelic Touch Healing
Reiki is a simple hands on healing technique originating in Japan in the 1850’s used to balance the chi (life force energy) in the body. Your energetic state affects you on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Reiki greatly reduces all forms of stress, which is the leading cause of all illness and disease. This workshop will cover the following: basic information about the energy body/chakra system and the history of Reiki, a guided group exercise for you to feel your own energy, a demonstration session that will allow anyone to join in sending energy to the recipient, methods of self healing and meditation you can apply right now, and a Q and A.
1-1:30pm Therapeutic Effects of Essential Oils
By: KiKi Cresulia Mack
Talking about some of the more common essential oils and how they can be used for healing various ailments.
***1:00-2:00pm Tie-Dye The Colors of Love (Designated area outside of tent)
By: Joseph Rainbowstar
Bring something white that you would like to tie-dye. In this workshop you will learn some different ways of tie-dying.
2:00-3:00pm Beginner Poi “The Joy of Poi” (Designated area outside of tent)
By: Staff Knight
Poi is the maori word for ball, with a long history of being used with dance in New Zealand. Join us in this beginner workshop to introduce you to this wonderful art of dance and kinetic meditation. Extra props provided for all participants.
2:30-3:30pm Festival SureThrival: Gear, Guidelines, and Game plans (in tent)
By: Jedeye Ser Aussin ElfChild, IllumIKnight
This workshop will cover the topics such as; basic through advanced gear, land stewardship principals, community stewardship principals, health and wellness practices, pre and post festival tasks,techniques for avoiding common festi drama, and how to Inspire others to play smart as well.
***3:30-4:30pm Kids Western Fairy Tales: Wolf mother, Romulus, and Remus (in tent)
By: Joseph Rainbowstar
Come listen to the western fairytales that have been passed on for so many generations. Story time is a great way to get the kids using their imagination.
4:30-5:30pm Staff Beginnings, fundamentals, and Geometry (in tent)
By: Staff Knight
In this workshop we will dive into the fundamentals of staff dance. Extra props will be provided for all participants.
5:30-6:30pm Colors of Emotions
By: Sierra Erickson (Sese)
Discussion of how colors evoke different emotions within and what emotions certain colors tend to trigger and how to learn to let go of those emotions.
***10-10:30am Yoga All Ages
By: Rebecca Hatch
A beginners course of Yoga based about gentle stretching, focused breathing and 24 simple forms to help repair damaged tissue and center the breath in the body.
10:30am-12:00pm Highest High Tribe: Rejuvenate, Purify, and Plug into Your Soul (in tent)
By: Sophia Siri Levitar
How to Detox and Rejuvenate the Body, Brain and Soul, plus- learn how to make vast amounts of natural chemicals in the brain, to enjoy Ecstatic bliss and Enlightened living. Raise your vibration and tap into your Miracle Consciousness. We will explore delightful practices of Kundalini Kriya Meditation to harness the Infinite Power Source of your Heart Consciousness and Breath. Vibe It!
***11:30am-12:30pm Beginners Hoop Flow All Ages (Designated area outside of tent)
By: Jewelz (Julia Phillips)
Techniques for finding and unlocking your hoop dance flow. Warm ups and beginner tricks that will give you ideas and inspiration to express your full self inside of a circle.
12:00pm-1:00pm Practical Applications in Self-Healing (In tent)
By: Paul Hunt/Julie Smith
Conceptual foundations of health and healing will be discussed followed by instructions on how to implement various practices in life to overcome illness.
1:00pm-2:00pm AcroYoga (Designated area outside of tent)
By: Staff Knight
AcroYoga combines yoga, healing arts, and acrobatics. It’s good to mix things up. All three styles truly balance each other out. Come learn some of the basics to AcroYoga.
1:00-3:00pm Singing Crystal Bowls Meditation Journey (in tent)
By: Geoff Wertheim & Gaye Unverferth & Carmela Rose
Their unique style of uplifting compositions with Gaye & Geoff’s Singing Crystal Bowls, Native American flutes, chimes and drums will magnify and enhance all that you intend, as they take you on a magical journey through sacred sound and vibrations, deepening your higher awareness and opening you to wholeness on all levels. Aligning all your energy centers and more, you are invited to journey the realms to deep inner peace, meditation and stress relief, while delighting the senses of this exquisitely soothing and ecstatic new world vibrational music.
***2:30pm-3:30pm Kids Yoga (Designated area outside of tent)
By: Monica Lehn
Experience playful yoga as a way to promote focus, strength, flexibility, coordination and body awareness!
3:00-4:00pm Rainbow Warrior Prophecies (in tent)
By: John L Pappan
Come take part in the discussion of the Rainbow Warrior Prophecies.
***4:00pm-5:00pm Kids Games: Tag, Dominick Does, and more! (Outside tent)
By: Joseph RainbowStar
4:19-5:00pm SPEECH BY (in tent)
By: LovFest Founder and Guiding-Light Julie Ann
5:00pm-5:30pm June Channels Love (In tent)
By: June Boyer
5:00-6:00pm Beginners Yoga: Surrender to Self Love (Designated area outside of tent)
By: Jewelz (Julia Phillips)
This beginners yoga flow will be about surrendering to self love. Meet yourself where you are without judgment. You deserve the love you give to others. Let’s begin with the divine, which is yourself. Surrender to self love and open your heart to the world. Simple, easy stretches that will leave your body feeling fresh for the remainder of the festivities
5:30-6:30pm Love on the Run: The Politics, Pitfalls, and Passions of Festival and traveling Romance (in tent)
By: Jedeye Ser Aussin ElfChild, IllumIKnight
This workshop will address many aspects of navigating, love, romance, and sexuality, with special focus on encounters where there is a very short window of opportunity. It will also address the emotional responsibilities, physical ramifications, social stigmas, and mental phenomenon, which can come up when chasing love on the run.